Boiling water tap dispenses near-boiling water, saving you time and effort. It can be used for a wide range of tasks, from washing off fruits and veggies to cleaning dishes.

Some models also offer chilled, filtered water. This eliminates the need for a separate water filter and tank, keeping kitchen worktops clear for a sleek finish.

Thermostat control

Thermostat control is a feature on many instant hot water taps. This is to help ensure that the spout never dispenses boiling water unnecessarily – which would be very dangerous for anyone within reach. It works by a small thermally-insulated tank plugging into your power supply and heating the water inside it. This is a very similar process to how radiators work, where a thermostat is used to regulate the temperature and stop it from reaching boiling point if necessary.

When you press the hot key, a bimetal strip is coiled in the handle and the pointer on a dial moves up or down depending on the temperature of the water being dispensed – this can also be seen in these photographs of how they are made (thanks to electrical engineer Dr Franco). As the spout dispenses boiling water, it becomes colder which causes the pointer to move down – ensuring the spout never dispenses at boiling temperature and prevents scalding.

The thermostat itself is connected to the spout via a small length of copper tubing. This copper is insulated and the spout of the tap itself is also insulating. This helps to maintain the temperature of the water even if the tap is not being used for several minutes, and means that your energy bill won’t be higher than it needs to be.

Safety features

A boiling water tap has a number of safety features that make it safer to use than standard hot and cold water taps. These include a child-safe lock and an insulated tap body that keeps the metal safe to touch. The boiling water tap also operates at a lower pressure than your regular hot and cold taps, which helps prevent accidental scalding.

Boiling taps are great for homes that want to save time and money on energy costs. The technology used in these taps allows a large amount of heat to be stored for instant access, which means that the boiler will only run when you need it. This is a big advantage over traditional kettles, which can use up to 50% more energy than a boiling water tap.

Despite their name, most boiling taps actually produce water that is below boiling, around 98C. This temperature is ideal for making coffee and tea because it doesn’t burn the water or leave a bitter taste in your cup. The temperature is also low enough to pasteurize the water, which makes it safe for cooking and drinking.

If you live in an area with contaminated water, a boil water advisory may be issued. These alerts are issued when health departments and water utilities detect conditions that pose a risk to public health. They are usually caused by water line breaks, treatment disruptions, power outages, and severe weather. To ensure that you and your family are safe during a boil water advisory, follow these tips:

Dispenses water at a consistent temperature

Boiling water taps allow you to dispense boiling hot water on demand, instantly. You can use them to make tea, coffee, steam vegetables or cook pasta. These taps are easy to operate and can help you save money on electricity bills and time. They also come with many safety features, which reduce the risk of scalding and accidents. They typically have child locks and insulated pipes to prevent contact with hot surfaces. Some models even have indicators that let you know when the tap is on or in heating mode.

The main benefit of a boiling water tap is that it removes the need to heat up a kettle, saving you time and effort. You can also fill pots and pans directly from the tap. This saves space on your kitchen counter and allows you to cook meals more quickly. Boiling taps also eliminate the need to keep a kettle on hand, which makes them ideal for office environments where a lot of people need hot drinks throughout the day.

While boiling water is a quick way to purify it, it does not remove all impurities or kill bacteria. It is also a waste of energy. Fortunately, instant boiling taps such as Billi’s use change-of-state technology to recover heat that would otherwise be lost to the atmosphere. As a result, they use up to 50% less energy than traditional kettles.


Boiling water taps are a kitchen must-have, offering the convenience of steaming hot water on demand, saving energy by not boiling kettles and freeing up worktop space. They come in a range of different styles, and most offer the choice of 9 temperatures between 55°C and 98°C. Most also have a timer and sleep setting, which reduces energy consumption.

The tank of a boiling water tap is usually located underneath the sink and has a heating element that keeps it heated. Unlike traditional hot water systems, which require expansion tanks or temperature and pressure relief valves, these types of taps are sealed, making them safe. They are also regulated by building and water regulations.

These taps have a safety button that you must hold down to use them, and as soon as you release the switch, the water shuts off. They are also heavily insulated, so the metal does not get hot to the touch. This makes them suitable for children, as well as people with reduced physical or sensory capabilities.

Some models come with a built-in water filter and an in-cupboard fully insulated storage tank. This removes impurities, improves the taste and clarity of the water, and saves energy by not requiring you to boil a kettle. Many also come with a 4-in-1 tap that dispenses filtered cold water, eliminating the need for a separate water filter which takes up valuable fridge space.

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