The right caregiver will make a huge difference in your loved one’s quality of life. In-home caregivers, also called attendants, can be a wonderful source of companionship and support for your aging or disabled family member. If your family member is resistant to hiring help, talk with them about it. Reassure them that the attendant is not going to take over their lives, but rather will provide assistance with tasks they cannot manage on their own.

In the beginning, it may be helpful to have your family member meet the potential attendant in person before making a final decision. This will allow the attendant to show that they are competent and able to care for your loved one. It will also give your loved one an opportunity to build a relationship with the attendant. You might find that the relationship is easier if the attendant shares a cultural or language background, but wonderful attendants come from all backgrounds.

When deciding on an attendant, consider the following:

Do you want someone who is licensed or certified? If so, you should request a copy of their credentials. Do you want a live-in attendant who will stay at the home 24 hours or an aide that works two 12-hour shifts? Do you need a person who can drive or do you want someone that will be transported to and from activities?

Hiring in-home help can be expensive, especially if your loved one requires full-time attendant care. Some communities offer sliding scale or low cost home care through specialized funding programs. Contact your local Area Agency on Aging or Visiting Angels office about these options. caregiver jobs near me

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