Counseling specialists guide individuals, groups, or families through a variety of problems. They address issues related to health, relationships, and personal growth.

Therapists have different credentials and specialties. NIMH’s Help for Mental Illnesses webpage has resources that can help you find one. There are also many online resources available.


Counselling offers a safe, neutral space in which to discuss personal issues and the impact that they have on you. It is a confidential service and anything that you discuss will be treated in strict confidence. All of our counsellors at Choices are fully trained and are experienced in dealing with the very serious nature of the sexual abuse that so many people have suffered from. It is a very courageous step to come for counselling and it can be hard to talk about your feelings. Your counsellor will be able to help you identify the root causes of your distress and provide support and guidance on how to deal with these issues.

Whether you are struggling with relationships, depression, anxiety or feeling lost, counselling can offer an opportunity to explore your difficulties in a safe and confidential setting. The process of talking through your concerns with someone who is not involved in your everyday life can bring relief and a sense of perspective. It is a chance to be truly listened to and understood by somebody who understands and cares about you.

Although there are many similarities between psychotherapy and counseling, there are some differences. Psychotherapy tends to be a longer-term treatment and works with your whole mental health. It can include examining past experiences, learning to manage symptoms and exploring new ways of being. Often, the term psychotherapy is used interchangeably with counseling or talk therapy.

Counselling services are provided by a range of charities and independent agencies across Ireland. They all operate from an ethos that promotes equality, diversity and social justice. They work through strong interagency partnerships and collaboration with the HSE, local community services, GP’s, solicitors and Gardai. All of the agencies also have a high percentage of professionally accredited, qualified therapists. They continue to deliver their services despite sustained 46% cuts over the last three years. They are a vital and essential specialist service for the community. Their continued delivery is testament to the commitment of their staff and volunteers.


Coaching is a form of Red light Therapy that helps people overcome their emotional and mental struggles. Its goals are to help people gain awareness of themselves, their strengths, and challenges. It also helps them to identify the options they have and take action. It is not a substitute for traditional therapy, but rather can complement it by helping individuals work through their issues and achieve success in their lives. There is a growing body of research and evidence that supports the effectiveness of counseling. In addition, the counseling profession is regulated by professional governing bodies to ensure that counselors maintain high standards and practice good practices.

While psychotherapy and coaching are similar in many ways, they differ in their approach to the client’s problems. Psychotherapy often involves revisiting the client’s past to address issues that may be impacting their present day life. Coaches, on the other hand, focus on the future and work with clients to develop strategies to reach their goals.

During a coaching session, the coach listens to the client and asks questions. Then the coach helps the client find answers to their own questions and creates solutions to overcome their difficulties. In addition to facilitating the client’s emotional wellbeing, coaching can also increase their self-confidence and motivate them to make changes in their lives.

There are different types of coaching, ranging from sports (athletic coaches) to performing arts (singers get vocal coaches and actors have dialect coaches). In business, it is common for companies to hire executive coaches to improve employee productivity. The goal of coaching is to help individuals overcome their limitations and achieve their personal and professional goals.

Unlike psychotherapy, coaching is more solution-focused and typically involves shorter sessions. A coach will usually refer a client to a therapist if they detect deep-rooted psychological issues that are preventing them from achieving success. In addition to addressing these issues, a therapist can also teach their clients healthier coping mechanisms and introduce them to new experiences.


Psychotherapy is a specialist talking treatment which helps people to work through emotional and psychological problems. It involves exploring underlying conflicts and fears for which there often seems to be no rational explanation. It can help to find ways of working through these difficulties and finding new patterns of behaviour and belief.

It can be much more in-depth than counselling and may take longer to discover the reasons behind problems. Many Psychotherapists were first trained as Counsellors and use many of the same skills.

There are various approaches to psychotherapy including somatic psychotherapy. It is based on the idea that our bodies hold a wealth of wisdom buried inside, inklings that want to be read and understood. The sensations of the body can, with careful attention, guide us into the completion of interrupted behavioral cycles and help our nervous system to recalibrate and return to homeostatic regulation. There are various types of somatic psychotherapy including Hakomi, Gestalt and Somatic Experiencing.


Psychiatry is the medical specialty that studies, diagnoses, treats and prevents emotional and behavioral disorders. It is a field of medicine that combines knowledge from the biological, social and psychological sciences in order to help people with mental health problems. A psychiatric diagnosis often includes psychotherapy and medications. Psychotherapy involves talking to a therapist about your emotions and thoughts. This can help you change negative thinking patterns and improve mood. Medications, such as antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs, can also help treat mental illnesses. Psychiatry is the medical profession that most deals with disorders of the brain, such as mania, psychosis, anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder.

During a psychiatric evaluation, a therapist may ask questions about your past and family history. They will also perform physical examinations and take a complete list of your symptoms. They will then recommend a treatment plan that may include medication, talk therapy, or electroconvulsive therapy. The psychiatrist will also prescribe the appropriate dosage of medication for your condition. Psychiatrists can be seen by anyone with serious mental illness, including children and the elderly. They have extensive training in the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of mental disorders, such as addiction psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, psychoanalysis and forensic (legal) psychiatry.

The scope of psychiatry is broad and encompasses all aspects of human behavior. It should therefore incorporate all branches of human knowledge, including sociology, psychology and anthropology. It should also include religious and spiritual concepts and knowledge, as these have a profound influence on human mental health.

It is important for a psychiatrist to have a wide base of scientific knowledge in order to treat patients effectively. This will enable them to understand a range of causes and effects on human behavior, which will in turn allow them to develop new treatments. This knowledge will also help them to distinguish between different theories of psychiatric illness and to apply the most appropriate one to a particular case.

Psychiatrists need to have a good understanding of biology, pharmacology and anatomy. They must also be able to think critically and have the ability to adapt to changing scientific evidence. This is a challenging job and requires a high level of education and training. After graduation, a psychiatrist will spend four years in a residency program to learn about psychiatry and related disorders. They will then need to pass a written and oral exam to become board certified in psychiatry.

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