Fenbendazole for humans is an anthelmintic drug that has been used to treat worm infestations since the 1970’s. In recent scientific research and publications, it has been shown to have a potent anti-cancer effect. It has the potential to disrupt many molecular pathways involved in cancer cell proliferation and growth.

A woman with metastatic NSCLC, with a high CEA level, self-administered oral fenbendazole. She did not experience tumor shrinkage but her CEA levels remained stable and she did not have any other adverse side effects. This case highlights the importance of physicians questioning their patients about self-administered dietary supplements and other health products. This woman likely obtained her information about fenbendazole from social media sites, where sources of medical information are often unproven.

Several established treatments exist for cancer, including chemotherapy and radiation. There is no evidence that fenbendazole would prevent recurrent cancer or “wake it up”, as the patient in this Facebook post claims. It is also important to note that there are no established ways for this drug to cure cancer, even in mice, and it has not been proven safe for long-term use in human beings.

Fenbendazole appears to suppress the growth of microtubules in cancer cells, which are essential for cell structure and division. This has been confirmed in lab experiments and in mice. In addition to inhibiting the proper growth of microtubules, fenbendazole for humans has been shown to starve cancer cells of the glucose they need to grow and thrive.

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