The cost of law school varies greatly based on the type of law school attended. Top-ranked schools are significantly more expensive than lower ranked schools. Additionally, private schools charge students more than public schools, on average, to attend. It’s important to note that these figures are for tuition alone and do not include other costs like room & board, health insurance, etc.

While these numbers may be intimidating, there are many resources available to help finance a law degree. For example, some employers will pay for the tuition of employees pursuing a law degree that will benefit their company. Students can also seek scholarships and grants offered through law schools or other organizations.

Lastly, the federal government has several loan repayment programs that can be used to help manage the cost of law school. We work with students to explore these options and ensure they understand the eligibility requirements for each program.

We encourage students to carefully consider their employment prospects, expected salaries in their fields of interest and alternative pathways if they determine that the cost of a legal education is not worth the projected debt load. Students can also look into the availability of law school scholarships and explore other sources of support such as the Herbert S. Garten Loan Repayment Assistance Program or the John R. Justice Student Loan Repayment Program for prosecutors and public defenders.

To make the most of your financial aid, it is important to be able to budget properly for all law school-related expenses. We have created a MU Law Thrifty Budget to provide helpful information about these costs, including an estimate of a typical semester’s expenses. Additionally, we have a dedicated team to assist with interpreting your tuition statement and fees. Law Tuition

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