Fenbendazole is a common prescription medication used to treat parasites. It was developed to deworm animals and has been proven to be effective in this role, with a track record of minimal side effects. However, a growing number of studies suggest that the medication may also have cancer-fighting properties. The results of these studies have been so promising that some researchers are now urging the FDA to consider repurposing the drug for use in humans.

Fenben is a member of the benzimidazole family and has been shown to have antitumor activity in human cell lines. Specifically, it is able to disrupt microtubules (MT) and induce apoptosis in cells. This is accomplished by binding to the MT tubulin and inhibiting its polymerization, which results in a loss of cellular stability. MTs play a critical role in cell division and motility, as well as the transport of organelles, the maintenance of the cell shape, and energy management processes.

Interestingly, it was found that fenbendazole is particularly effective in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cell lines. The pharmacological effect of this compound is attributed to its ability to target and bind the protein p53, leading to a cascade of events that ultimately leads to cell death. In addition, fenbendazole has been shown to inhibit the growth of HCC cells by upregulating p21 and downregulating cyclins B and D in G1/S phase. This resulted in the depletion of glycogen and apoptosis of tumor cells.

As a result, more research is needed to determine whether this drug can help treat cancer in humans. However, the fact that it is an existing medicine with a long track record of safety in humans means it could be an excellent candidate for repurposing as an antitumor agent.

For example, an anecdotal case was published of a man who claimed that he was cured of his small-cell lung cancer by taking fenbendazole along with conventional chemotherapy and radiation. While his experience was interesting, it’s worth noting that this type of anecdotal evidence isn’t a reliable way to establish a new treatment protocol. In order to do so, randomized controlled trials involving many patients would need to be conducted.

In addition, a number of studies have found that fenbendazole can be used to reduce the size of tumors in mice. This is largely due to its ability to prevent tumors from forming and blocking blood flow to the area. This is an important step in the process of treating a tumor, since cancerous tissues need a blood supply to thrive. By blocking this blood flow, fenbendazole allows other treatments to work more effectively. This is why it’s important to work with an integrative healthcare professional who can evaluate your unique medical history and current medications, and recommend a treatment that works best for you. This will help you get the most out of this medication and minimize any side effects. By working with an experienced practitioner, you can take a personalized approach to your treatment and ensure the most positive outcome. fenben for humans

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