Bone cancer is understood as malignant tumors,Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment of Bone Cancer Articles which are located in bony tissue and have the inclination have to act destructively. Apart from these malignant tumors there are also some benign tumors. In addition to these two types of cancers, tumors are known to be described as semi-malignant and the other two groups cannot be directly assigned. Furthermore, there are types of disease that mimic tumors only (tumor-like Lessions).

The malignant forms of the disease can be distinguished into primary and secondary tumors, wherein the primary tumors develop in the bones cell first and then spread to the other parts of the body. The secondary tumors migrate from other parts of the body and then attack the bone to form the bone cancer, since it does not come from the bone tissue it is called as secondary. They are formed as a metastasis of other cancerous tumors (often lungs, bladder or breast cancer) and should therefore be carefully distinguished from bone cancer.

The malignant tumors are classified according to whether they come from the bone or bone marrow. The cancers are divided into osteolytic or osteoblastic.

Bone cancer in children is the most common type of cancer (60 percent). Cancer of the bone marrow is the second most common disease with malignant bone tumors (25 percent). Its peak incidence of both types of cancer achieved in children and adolescents between the tenth and 20th of age.

Bone Cancer Symptoms.
The individually perceived pain of the patients depends on the tumor type or location of the tumor. The characteristic symptoms of the disease include swelling, pain and restricted movement in the cancerous area.

The bone cancer (osteosarcoma) usually begins in the growth zone of long bones of a man (arms or legs). Here are the tumors preferably in the range of the knee (about 40 percent of them above the knee and 20 percent in the upper third of the tibia). In some cases the tumor affects the face and skull of the patient.

Both types of tumors metastasize primarily via the blood and preferably in the lungs. In cancer of the bone marrow can also be found in the lymph node metastases.

Bone Cancer Causes
The exact reasons for the formation of bone and bone marrow cancer are not known in detail. Generally, these types of cancer occur more common in children and adolescents, suggesting a genetic cause.

A significant increase of both diseases was noted in patients who had the experience of childhood radiotherapy or chemotherapy, because these are necessary under any other cancer was.

Bone Cancer Diagnosis
The symptoms of the patient provides, in most cases, information on possible disease caused by malignant bone tumors. It came within a short time to a painful swelling of the arms, legs or pelvis, confirmed the suspicions.

It is important to confirm the diagnosis as quickly as possible to ensure an early start with the treatment of disease.

The clear signs of bone cancer can detect the doctor already the basis of the X-ray image on which a marked destruction as well as a fuzzy edge boundary are to recognize the bone. In addition to a radial thickening of the periosteum at the edge of the bone, new bone formation (known as Codman’s triangle) can be seen. The last notes describe the current lines parallel to the bone.

Bone Cancer Treatment
The treatment of this cancer depends on the type of tumor, the size of the tumor and whether metastases are present. Affected, suffering from malignant tumors should go for treatment in special centers ever. A treatment of these diseases is divided into a rule in a combination treatment, which could consist of a chemotherapy, surgery or radiation therapy.

The person is suffering from bone cancer, is an operation that is performed in conjunction with chemotherapy, is of great importance. Unfortunately, the osteosarcoma hardly responds to ionizing radiation, thus necessitating high doses of radiation needed. For this reason, the radiotherapy is not suitable for every patient.

The doctor will adjust the treatment according to whether there are already metastases in the patient or not. With bone cancer patients who have no metastasis, the same preoperative chemotherapy is initiated; the goal is to shrink the tumor. This is followed by a complete surgical removal of the cancer, which nowadays is trying to avoid the possibility of amputation. After the successful surgery, the chemotherapy is continued.

The applicant already have metastases, the treatment takes place also initially by chemotherapy. The other mode of treatment, however, depends on the results. Shows the therapy does not succeed, the tumor and the metastases are removed surgically.

The treatment of bone marrow cancer differs from the therapy of bone cancer, by the choice between radiation treatments or surgery is guided by the consequential damage. The treatment is usually similar to bone cancer: chemotherapy followed by surgery, after which the chemotherapy is discontinued. fenben for humans

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