A private guided holiday is often seen as a middle ground between solo travel and a group tour. This is an option that is popular with families, groups of friends or couples looking for a more personalised trip. The reason for this is that it’s an opportunity to enjoy a relaxing vacation without the worry of researching and planning everything yourself. The tour company will do this for you and provide a pre-curated itinerary. This will also include the most important sights and activities, as well as ensuring you have the best possible accommodation for your budget.

A guide will also be able to give you insights into the different sites that you visit on your tour. They can often bring a dusty art museum to life or give you a new perspective on an ancient pile of stones. This level of knowledge that can’t be gleaned from a book is priceless, and makes the entire experience much more engaging.

Unlike a group tour, you will know the people you’re travelling with, and you can be more flexible when it comes to how many days you want to spend in each place. This is especially helpful for couples who have a mix of interests and aren’t sure exactly how long they’ll want to stay at a particular destination.

Private tours can be an excellent choice for special celebratory trips. They can help you mark a significant birthday or retirement, celebrate an anniversary or even do a charity challenge. This can be a great way to get together with your closest friends and family to create happy memories that will last a lifetime.

The size of a private group can be flexible too. Flash Pack, for example, offers holidays aimed specifically at travellers in their thirties and forties while Saga has a range of small-group tours for travellers over 50. Private tours are also ideal for those who don’t like to travel alone and would prefer the chance to meet fellow travellers of a similar age and outlook.

It’s also worth noting that there are a number of different types of private tour available, such as tailor-made and specialist options. For example, Tauk has been operating guided tours for over a century and their guides are highly experienced in local customs, traditions, flora and fauna. They can take you off the beaten track and help you to see parts of a country that many other tourists miss.

A private guided holiday is an excellent option if you’re a first-time traveller. It can be daunting to plan a trip yourself, so a guide will give you confidence in your plans and ensure that you don’t miss out on any of the must-see sights. It’s also a good idea if you have specific requirements, such as mobility issues or allergies, as private guides are more familiar with working around these concerns.

It’s also a great option for those who are short on time. A guide will be able to help you decide on the best places to spend your time, and can even make recommendations for places to eat that aren’t overly touristy. They can also make arrangements for transport, ensuring that you arrive at your destination with the least amount of stress.

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