“How many ways of being are there,Cervical Cancer Articles sweet friend?” asks Grandmother Growth in her warm way. You sense this is a serious question, and you fear you don’t know the right answer.



“Between the yin and the yang, between the dark and the light, between normal and abnormal, there are infinite shades and numberless ways of being. Without lines, they arise and change, drift away or settle in, some promoting your well-being, some eroding it. An erosive change is almost upon us daughter. How will we meet it?



“Cells are changing in your cervix. They are going fast, faster, growing fast, faster, too fast to be tidy, too fast to be symmetrical, too fast to be orderly. How do we dance to this rhythm? Does it tear you loose from your moorings? Does it set you adrift? Is it freedom?



“Cells are changing too fast for the guardians to cope; they are overwhelmed. Where shall you find more help dearest granddaughter? Who will you invoke to aid you? Can the guardians prevail and change the rhythm if they are given reinforcements? Or must you kill the guardians along with the cancer to stop the beat and still the music?



“Your story is unique my precious child. Your choices will arise from the well of your own deep inner wisdom. Trust yourself. Trust me. I’ll hold you hand as we dance, I’ll follow or lead, fast or slow, as you will. Let’s go!”




Do you actually have cervical cancer, or one of its precursors? This is an important distinction. Current practice tends to over-treat women with abnormal cells, dysplasia, hyperplasia, and in situ carcinomas. In nine out of ten cases, if carcinoma in situ of the cervix is left untreated, it will never progress to cervical cancer. (1)



“Physicians could confidently monitor patients for [amount and types of HPV] virus with currently available tests for several months before deciding to treat … more aggressively.”(2)



Cervical cancer in situ is generally very slow-growing; untreated, half will regress and half will, over a period of 10-30 years  progress to invasive cancer. (3) About 10% of women have a fast-growing type – whose incidence may be increasing – which becomes invasive within a year.(4)  Cervical cancer is most common in women 40-60 years of age, but it occurs frequently in women under 35 years old.



In the USA, about five million Pap smears yearly reveal dysplasia; of those, 45,000 will be new cases of cervical carcinoma in situ and 10,000 will be invasive cervical cancer.(5)  Cervical cancer kills more than 4,000 American women each year. dog dewormer for cancer

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